Jordan High School Athletics

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Jordan  High School Athletic Booster Club’s mission is to support all Jordan High School’s athletes, coaches and athletic programs, while encouraging a positive atmosphere within our athletic family.

The Jordan High School Athletic Booster Club needs your support and participation as we strive to:

1. Develop an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with the total athletic program and all of its participants.

2. Support all athletic programs financially (above and beyond district budgeted items), as well as through publicity, sports promotion and program development. *** This is particularly important during the first few years of a school's existence.

3. Promote strong school spirit and encourage attendance at all Jordan High School athletic events.

4. Encourage and support the academic endeavors of Jordan High School’s athletes.

5. Aid staff in organizing and staging special events and projects.

6. Create a scholarship program to provide scholarships for outstanding seniors, who have been representative of the high standards of athletic competition at Jordan High School.

One of the best ways you can support the athletic programs at Jordan High School is to become a member of the athletic booster club. Our goal is for every athlete to be represented by a parent or family member. Booster Club membership is open to families, friends, school faculty & staff, and local businesses. Come join us today!